David-- where have you been this is fhe first if not the only email I have received from you this year. Since we last communicated I have been writing commentaries on you know whom and what for Salon and Raw Story mostly now that The Crime Report is no longer being published after 15 years.

In any event the sequel to my Criminology on Trump (2022) (which you interviewed me about on a few occasions) was published April 1, 2024. Here is a link to Indicting the 45th President: Boss Trump, the GOP, and What We Can Do About the Threat to American Democracy.--


So let's talk David-- you have my email or your partner does otherwise I would not have received There's Something Wrong with Black... But just in case, it is gbarak@emich.edu


Gregg Barak

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Very Good sir!!!! Like always!!! Yes! Black Republicans are huge liars even more then white Republicans are!!!! And these whites are huge liars!!!

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Anyone who is not a straight white male and supports tRump is ignorant and insane.

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Yes there is something wrong with them, they are stupid! trump tells them that he is a racist, they stand there and grin.

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I second everything you said.

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I prefer to see and hear David on Utube and Not read the program on my computer.

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Hey, David. Good to find you in my email. I listened to this segement and you and I have to say I was actually stunned by what these guys are thinking and putting forth in public. All I can say they must be CRAZY. Believe me, I grew up in the South and Jim Crow WAS NOT the best of times for our brothers and sisters of a different color. Keep up the good work, David. My Husband and I listen to you all the time. Thank you for your clear headed explanations with a little comedy thrown in. Hugs and hope you are all better.

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Tim is a natural born woman repeller, so it’s no surprise he is so desperate to be seen that he aligns with Carbuncle 34. He is beyond ick.

The other guy will go up in a poof of irrelevance. Don’t nobody care about that, or that.

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It's easy to see why those Florida Republicans let Donalds into the House.

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