Donald Trump is vetting vice presidential candidates, and Florida Congressman Byron Donalds wants to be on that list.
So, last Tuesday, Donalds, who is black, told a crowd in Philadelphia that black families were stronger under Jim Crow than they are now.
Byron Donalds may not have a problem with Jim Crow, but he's obviously got a serious problem with Jim Beam. What is wrong with this man? That’s insane, even for a person from Florida.
Democrat Fentrice Driskell, minority leader in the Florida House of Representatives, said of Byron Donalds’ statement:
This is disgraceful. Misrepresenting history has become a cornerstone of the republican platform. We must fight back against this extremism at every turn. There was nothing positive about Jim Crow, period. Full stop. Jim Crow laws relegated black Americans to second class status, mandated black disenfranchisement, and sanctioned the abuse, torture and murder of black people. It's shameful to see this dark period in our history romanticized in an effort to score cheap political points.
You might remember South Carolina Senator Tim Scott. He’s a black Republican just like Byron Donalds.
Before declaring his candidacy for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, Scott said America isn’t a racist country. Well Tim, America may not be racist, but your party is. So is your presumptive nominee as well as everybody who votes for him.
Scott, who also hopes to make Trump’s short list of running mates, has become the GOPs point man on getting more black people to vote Republican.
They’re not voting for Donald Trump. A brand new YouGov poll shows Joe Biden getting 81 percent of the black vote. You might be hearing that Trump has doubled his support among black voters. Sure. He’s gone from seven percent to fourteen percent. He’s still not winning the black vote.
But Tim Scott is working on it.
Last week he said Trump's four criminal trials resonate with black voters because it reminds them of how unfair our nation's two tier justice system is.
Ah Yes, that two tier justice system Donald Trump is such a victim of!
It’s why his RICO trial down in Georgia just got delayed indefinitely. Because just like Black people, Donald Trump is the victim of America’s two tier justice system.
I mean, what black voter can’t relate to Donald Trump’s legal troubles? All of those judges constantly threatening to lock him up because he won’t stop threatening witnesses, jurors and judges.
The way those judges treat Donald Trump. The way they won’t stop threatening to lock him up over and over. What black American can’t relate to judges constantly threatening to lock them up?
Everyone knows that America has an epidemic of police and judges threatening to lock black people up. In fact, one third of all Black men in America at one point in their life will get threatened by a judge to be locked up.
Tim Scott is an idiot, and so is Byron Donalds.
They’re both free to be black Republicans.
But, they’re sorely mistaken if they believe the rest of the black community is as stupid as they are.
David-- where have you been this is fhe first if not the only email I have received from you this year. Since we last communicated I have been writing commentaries on you know whom and what for Salon and Raw Story mostly now that The Crime Report is no longer being published after 15 years.
In any event the sequel to my Criminology on Trump (2022) (which you interviewed me about on a few occasions) was published April 1, 2024. Here is a link to Indicting the 45th President: Boss Trump, the GOP, and What We Can Do About the Threat to American Democracy.--
So let's talk David-- you have my email or your partner does otherwise I would not have received There's Something Wrong with Black... But just in case, it is gbarak@emich.edu
Gregg Barak
Very Good sir!!!! Like always!!! Yes! Black Republicans are huge liars even more then white Republicans are!!!! And these whites are huge liars!!!