Dear David, Thanks for making me laugh at this insane world we have to live in. The age old question of how to prevent the rich and powerful from abusing the population may never be resolved - I don’t think humans are smart enough to conquer that one. The US will forever be at civil war, until the rich are stopped from buying the government. Good Luck with that.

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is the $700k watch a joke or a fact?

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Biden must be so proud, if he can remember that far back.

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I've heard it was an act of personal reparatión and nothing funny about that

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I must have missed the point, but have to say that couldn’t be a serious message from Clarence Thomas. I would think a little grace is required as he is back in the spotlight.

The world gets stranger and more sad by the day.

Thank you & greetings from the UK.

Sandie D

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