Mark Kreidler from the American Prospect writes that in 2022 undocumented Americans paid $100 billion in federal, state and local taxes
He points out that they also pay into Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance and Social Security even though they're not entitled to any of it.
Jamshid Damooei, executive director of the Center for Economics of Social Issues at California Lutheran University, told the American Prospect,“Undocumented immigrants are not a source of depletion of our tax revenue. They subsidize our benefits. They are not the takers of our tax revenue but the makers who receive very little in return."
There is no migrant or immigration crisis. The problem is ICE. Abolish it.
Feldman is the best. Since Gannett recently muzzled my "community columnist" column in our local newspaper, listening to Feldman is the main reason I bother to get up.
Trump is putting the circus show together, well trying to it seems. In six months they all will be fired. Everything he touches turns, he has the brown spot syndrome.