We’re having our Office Hours Party tonight at 9:00 Eastern. I hope you can attend. Click on the link below to RSVP, and you’re in! No passwords required.
Office Hours is an opportunity for guests and listeners to forge relationships that flower into relationships fraught with regret and recrimination. Make a love connection! Or a new friend! The chat room is always hysterical, and you can send private messages to each other.
There will be music, debate and hopefully fighting. Make sure to bring your animal companions so we can mock them mercilessly. And keep the camera on so we can watch you pass out from whatever you’re relying on to get through this pandemic.
Feel free to invite a friend! There’s plenty of room, and if they end up being blistering irritants I can always mute and or toss them out.
Now, let’s look back at the week in Feldman.
I have a YouTube page, and because of new time code integrations with this email service it’s easier to take you to the individual segments.
I’m now going to tell you about Tuesday’s and Friday’s shows, and you can click on the time codes in blue to hear each individual segment on YouTube. Or you can always go listen to the show wherever you get your podcasts.
We Need A Vaccine For Capitalism Episode 1140
Dr. Harriet Fraad (0:41)
Is a Marxist psychotherapist who cures my paranoia by teaching us that far too many of our neurosis and rage issues derive not from body chemistry or deep rooted family issues but from the economic system we’re forced to survive in. I strongly urge you to hear this conversation.
Covid-19 Town Hall With The Irritable Immunologist And Henry Hakamäki (41:18)
You have questions about the pandemic, and this show has the answers. Irritable and Henry are on the front lines taking on Covid-19 and Ebola, and they know their viruses intimately. They explain, in simple language, what science knows about the pandemic so that you can make the right choices for yourself and your country. This is science, not opinion and I’m proud that this is now a weekly feature. You’re smarter and healthier for listening. Also, Irritable is a comic genius.
Congressman Alan Grayson Knows Everything (1:41:43)
And for some reason he comes on my show now and then. During this episode he talks Trump, Raytheon and who Biden should pick for Vice President. Congressman Grayson’s latest book is High Crimes: The Impeachment of Donald Trump. It’s a fun read, and walks you through every impeachment that ever took place in American history, and why Donald Trump is the worst of the worst.
Cooking With Howie Klein (2:10:00)
Howie is preparing another dish and answering your questions about politics, Lou Reed, The Ramones and why he will never vote for Joe Biden.
Congressional Candidate Jim Harper (2:47:23)
Howie introduces us to Public Defender Jim Harper who is running for Indiana’s First Congressional district. We talk about America’s unhealthy love affair with police, prosecutors and prison.
Emilio Fox Reads The Minutes of Our Last Office Hours (3:15:51)
If you missed last week’s Office Hours, no worries. Emilio Fox was there, and took notes.
David Takes Your Calls (3:21:17)
Thanks to Zoom, we are now able to have a virtual studio audience where people from all over the world can attend our recording sessions via Zoom or by phone. That allows me to take your calls. No surprise that my listeners are some of the smartest, funniest and most politically engaged sad pathetic humps on the planet. We’re talking to listeners in Denmark, Sweden, Mexico, Canada, Great Britain, Japan and China. And sometimes we even talk to listeners in that shit hole country America.
The Washington Post’s Helaine Olen (3:34:33)
Helaine is the one person I trust when it comes to finance. She’s written two take downs of Wall Street: Pound Foolish and The Index Card. She doesn’t suffer fools, but for some reason she comes on my show. Besides writing for The Washington Post she’s also running Public Seminar which features writing from some of the world’s top academics.
Professor Harvey J. Kaye Talks Thomas Paine and the Promise of America: A History & Biography (4:10:14)
Speaking of the world’s top academics, Professor Harvey J. Kaye is kind enough to appear every Monday to teach us. In this segment he talks about his classic work on Thomas Paine. He’s one of the reasons teachers always get top priority at Office Hours.
LGBTQ Activist Zack Ford on Stacking The Court (4:55:22)
Zack covered the White House and LGBTQ issues for Think Progress. He is now the press secretary for Alliance for Justice which keeps an eye on our increasingly conservative courts.
Mark Breslin Founder and President of Yuk Yuk’s (5:23:51)
Mark Breslin is that rare comedy club owner who is as funny if not funnier than ALL the comics he books.
But Aaron Berg Is Funnier Than Mark Breslin (5:53:05)
On this episode, we actually get to hear Mark Breslin laugh at Aaron Berg.
Jackie "The Joke Man" Martling Tells Polish Jokes To A Pole (6:07:26)
Thanks to our new technology, we were able to bring a listener from Poland on the show, and Jackie told him some jokes.
Comic Adam Ferrara Episode 1141
Zackary D. Carter author of “The Price of Peace: Money, Democracy and the Life of John Maynard Keynes” (1:52)
Zackary is a brilliant author who writes about a brilliant economist, John Maynard Keynes— the father of The New Deal and macroeconomics. Helaine Olen says you need to read this book. Buy it now!
Actor Comedian Adam Ferrara (39:26)
Adam Ferrara is an actor and comedian known for playing the role of Chief “Needles” Nelson on the FX series Rescue Me. He was co-host on the U.S. version of Top Gear and played NYPD Sgt. Frank Verelli opposite Edie Falco on the Showtime series Nurse Jackie.
Colleen Werthmann and Frank Conniff (1:16:24)
Colleen Werthmann has written for the Daily Show, Nightly Show, Steve Martin, Oscars, Comedy Central Roasts, Mark Twain Prize, and Michael Moore. Frank Conniff has written five books and is best known for his work on Mystery Science Theater.
Comedian Joe DeVito Is Even Better Looking (1:51:48)
Comedian Joe DeVito has appeared on all the late night talk shows. And he is a long time favorite of this show.
Screenwriter Dave Sirus Says It’s The End of Comedy And The World (2:26:58)
Screenwriter Dave Sirus’s new film directed by Judd Apatow starring Pete Davidson premieres next month. And he’s not happy with David.
Professor Ben Burgis Explains What Socialism Would Look Like In America (3:17:00)
Professor Ben Burgis is a columnist for Jacobin, his latest book is “Myth & Mayhem: A Leftist Critique of Jordan Peterson. Buy it.
The Rev. Barry W. Lynn Is Not Pleased (3:54:55)
The Reverend Barry W. Lynn is angry, especially at the “Christians” in The White House.
Dr. Jennifer Verdolin Talks Animal Adoption (4:24:55)
Jennifer Verdolin is the author of two popular nonfiction science books, Wild Connection: What Animal Courtship and Mating Tell Us About Human Relationships and Raised by Animals: The Surprising New Science of Animal Family Dynamics. She draws on animal behavior to reveal how much we can learn from other species to improve our relationships, families, and lives. Her writing has appeared in Scientific American, Slate Magazine, The Washington Post, and National Geographic. The Washington Post said of her work "fascinating observations" while HuffPost called her work “a stunningly informative guide to child rearing.”
David Takes Your Calls (5:00:06)
You have something to say? David is Listening
Laura House Is In The House (5:27:03)
We love Laura House. Everyone loves Laura. She’s in love with Brian. And now that she’s no longer drinking, you can’t have her.
Emil Guillermo Talks Veganism (6:33:27)
Host of the PETA Podcast, Emil ruins the pandemic for David by telling him that just because he’s a vegan it doesn’t mean he’s eating right.
That’s the week in Feldman
I hope to see you tonight at 9:00 Eastern for Office Hours
Your friend,
Medicare For All