Title 42 expired this week.
Steven Miller, Donald Trump’s White House Senior Advisor on immigration, did not write Title 42, which was passed in 1944. He simply discovered and then used it to destroy millions of lives.
Under the guise of protecting Americans from The Corona Virus, the implementation of Title 42 turned out to be far crueler than the disease.
In the past three years, America invoked Title 42 2.5 million times, sending women and children back to gang and drug infested Central American countries where they were met with certain poverty as well as, according to Human Rights Watch, sexual assault, torture, and death.
By the end of 2020, the ACLU reported that Trump had invoked Title 42 to remove 13,000 unaccompanied minors escaping drug cartels, gangs and poverty.
The Trump White House’s Zero Tolerance policy was devised by Steven Miller, whose brainchild was the flagrant separation of mothers from their children as far back as 2017. Obviously, Miller used this as a device to send a message not to come to America.
A Xenophobe, with ties to white nationalists, Miller insisted migrants were a public health risk.
According to the New York Times, by 2018 Miller attempted to convince the White House that cases of flu, measles and mumps detected inside immigration detention centers served as enough evidence that migrants brought diseases into the USA. Â Â The end result: Trump would be well within his emergency powers to invoke Title 42. The plain truth is that the spread of disease was caused by the negligence of Homeland Security because the detainees were forced to live on top of each other.
Human Rights Watch reports that the detainees came to America without Covid, they caught it here.
Up until March of 2020, Miller met stiff resistance from White House lawyers on Title 42. But then came Covid.
While Donald Trump downplayed the severity of the virus, at the same time he used it as an excuse to invoke  Title 42 and start removing migrants, including asylum seekers, in direct violation of international law.
Despite what it says on the Statue of Liberty, America is not accepting refugees.
Last year, the United Nations reported there are one hundred million refugees worldwide.
And yet, Vox reports the number of refugees America accepts has been on a steady decline since 1980 and is at a record low.
In 1980 we let 207,000 refugees into this country. Last year 10,700.
Just as an example, the civil war in Syria created five million refugees. America took in fewer than 20,000.
Great Powers decline when they overextend themselves militarily, and don’t have enough money for their own people.
They also decline when they turn insular, when they build giant walls keeping people out.
Great Powers decline when they become intellectually and economically incestuous.
Those migrants at the border begging to come in? We need them as much as they need us.
He is a monster...why isn't he in jail...why is Garland still AG...why is Chris Wray still head of the FBI
There is never any excuse for evil. However, I believe that the migration is partly caused by our past imperialist policies toward Latin America, especially Central America. Without going back to how we financed a civil war in Colombia in order to steal what is now the Panama Canal Zone, we have treated Central America as one treats a servant: for nearly 2 centuries, we have encouraged oligarchs willing to do our bidding and supported tinhorn caudillos by supplying them with weapons, in the name of 'anti-communism', the all-purpose label for people who disagree with us. IOW, we prefer Hitler to Stalin!! After nearly 200 years of imperialism, invasions by Marines and empty promises of a better life, campesinos in Central America have had enough. Many still believe the propaganda fed to them daily by the Voice of America, so what we have is those disappointerd chickens coming home to roost. To solve the immigration problem of Central America we'd have to rewind the clock at least 70 years and start giving aid that would actually help the people, not the ruling class and/or the generals.