Thoughts about last night’s hearings …
Republicans are all about oaths. Oaths not to raise taxes; oaths to the Second Amendment; oaths to remain a virgin until they are married; oaths to Jesus, etc.
But, when it comes to oaths protecting our constitution? Not so much.
So it comes as no surprise that Donald Trump, to the best of his ability, failed to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States by making common cause with a group of Insurrectionists known as The Oath Keepers.
Who are the Oath Keepers? And, what oaths are these keepers keeping? From what I can tell, it smells like an oath promising never to get laid.
The Oath Keepers appears to be a far-right antigovernment militia that believes America is preparing concentration camps for anyone who doesn’t believe in a One World Socialist Order. It was founded in 2009 by Stewart Rhodes, who graduated from Yale Law School.
One would think that Yale Law would produce a more sound mind. One would be wrong.
Don’t be impressed by Yale, or it’s partner in crime, Harvard Law, which produced Robert Henry Winborne Welch Jr., the founder of the John Birch Society, who insisted the biggest threats to America were NATO, The United Nations, Communism and fluoride in our drinking water. Back then, Welch was considered a lunatic (Even for William F. Buckley).
Today, Welch would be considered a moderate, no labels, problem solving Republican. Seriously.
Yale Law churned out another unhinged right wing extremist named Clarence Thomas who graduated in 1974. Like Stewart Rhodes, Thomas is part of a right wing gang of violent extremists known as the Supreme Court, where he’s been known to espouse ultra reactionary opinions like outlawing same sex marriage, contraception and, of course, abortion.
Yale Law’s sordid alumni
The Supreme Court also boasts the likes of Brett M. Kavanaugh who, like Clarence Thomas, lied to the Judiciary Committee about his abuse of women. Like Rhodes and Thomas, Justice Kavanaugh is also a graduate of Yale Law.
If you watched Thursday’s prime time hearings, it might please you to know that in 2006 Sen. Josh Hawley also graduated from Yale Law. Before that, he attended Stanford where, judging from that newly released video, he most assuredly ran track.
And if instead of the hearings last night, you watched Fox New, then it might please you to know that First Son, Hunter Biden, graduated from Yale Law in 1996. Unlike Sen. Hawley, however, Hunter’s running is limited to afoul of the law.
Yale Law is impossible to get into, but Hunter did it all by himself. And, by that I mean then President Bill Clinton placed a call from the White House to Guido Calabresi, dean of Yale Law School, urging Guido to accept Hunter.
“Guido? Will you accept Hunter?” Sounds like a gay teenager in the 70s coming out to his Old World immigrant grandfather.
Calabresi, now in his 90s, insists the call from Clinton played no role in his decision to accept Hunter into Yale Law. Yet, less than a year after that call, Clinton nominated Calabresi to serve on the 2nd Circuit Court.
But, Calabresi first had to be approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee. And, who was chairman of the Judiciary Committee at the time? Let me look that one up … Oh! Small world! Hunter Biden’s dad, Joe.
Other than every single person on this planet, who would have guessed?
By the way, Bill Clinton also graduated from Yale Law.
That’s the same Bill Clinton who paid Paula Jones $850,000 to drop her sexual harassment lawsuit. As a result of that, Clinton was fined $25,000 by the Arkansas Supreme Court which also ordered him to surrender his law license for five years. The United States Supreme Court was also planning to disbar Clinton but he resigned instead.
Had Clinton resigned the presidency instead, Al Gore, Harvard, would have become president and Justice Antonin Scalia, Harvard Law, would have had a tougher time handing the presidency over to George W. Bush, Yale.
A degree from Yale (or Harvard) Law should automatically disqualify anyone from sitting on the Supreme Court
A Yale Law degree only serves as a reliable barometer of a second-rate judicial temperament. Only a mediocrity would puff up their resume by plastering it in Ivy. You’re either learned or you’re not. You either study case law or you do not.
Yale only signals ambition. Yale tells the world that you need to tell everybody how educated you are because people will never discover that for themselves.
If you needed legal advice would you hire Hunter?
Would you trust Bill Clinton? Josh Hawley? Kavanaugh? or Clarence Thomas? The only legal question rattling around those hummingbird sized minds is, “What’s in it for me?”
Spare me your ambitious men and women
Of the nine Supreme Court Justices eight either attended Yale or Harvard; four from Harvard … three from Yale. The one anomaly is Amy Coney Barrett, who, given that crackpot religious cult she belongs to, most likely got home-schooled by her handsy Uncle Preach.
Whatever happened to diversity?
Granted, there are more women and more people of color sitting on the Court. Which makes the Court a more accurate representation of how we look but not how we think.
The narrowness of the Supreme Court’s educational pedigree is alarming considering it has emerged as the single most consequential branch of our government. During the past few decades, the court has given Americans what we wouldn’t have necessarily voted for, like same sex marriage, abortion or George W. Bush’s presidency.
That’s a lot of power to be invested in eight human beings, nine if you count Justice Sam Alito, Yale Law’s class of 1975.
There is no diversity of thought on our court
How could there be? These judges are products of elite institutions which only produce other elitists. These are the worst kind of elitists who mistakenly believe they’re entitled because they “earned their way into America’s meritocracy.”
But nobody earns their way into America’s meritocracy.
Instead they compromise their way into our meritocracy by replacing their shriveled moral compass with billable hours.
They lack the vocabulary to do anything other than slap a fresh coat of paint over a worn out apology for the status quo.
Graduates of Yale or Harvard Law are not the recipients of a superior legal education, because facts are facts no matter where you learn them. You either pass the bar or you don’t.
What these elite schools do offer, however, is a rose petaled bridal path of shortcuts into a world of greed, power and increasingly sharper elbows.
These schools create misery, misery for their graduates and the victims of their graduates. Bill met Hillary there. Enough said.
Is Hunter happy? Do Clarence Thomas and his wife seem satisfied? How much did Brett Kavanaugh drink this morning? Clinton? Hawley?
These law schools train their graduates to believe there are two types of people: those who are waited on, and those who wait.
I can’t wait, nor should you.
I agree that there are two types of people.
But I reduce it down to the one percent, and the ninety nine percent.
The one percent will never help us, and they never have.
Republicans have their oaths, Democrats are entitled to theirs.
Like I said at the top, Grover Norquist makes politicians swear an oath never to raise taxes. The NRA has their oath, Etc.
In Order To Get My Vote, Democrats Must Swear By This Oath
I do solemnly swear …
There are only two types of Americans, the one percent and the ninety nine percent.
The wealthy aren’t better, just luckier.
People who graduate from a public school are superior to those who graduate from a private school.
Inherited, unearned wealth is UnAmerican and is something to be ashamed of.
Billionaires don’t deserve their money, because behind every great fortune is an even greater crime.
I swear to prosecute that crime.
I swear to remind my constituents every day that the one percent takes from the government, not the other way around.
I swear that one of the swiftest roads to justice is a tax code written by the people, not the one percent.
Free health care is a human right.
Free and or affordable housing, food, and public education is a human right.
Clean water, clean air, and free and immediate access to nature is a human right.
I swear to budget according to what will prevent Americans from turning to crime, not what will punish them after they commit it.
I swear religion, like reproductive rights and human sexuality is a private concern that has no place in the public square.
I swear to hold the oil companies accountable for the current state of our climate.
I swear to live on the salary my elected office pays me.
I swear never to work as a corporate lobbyist if and when I leave office.
If Democrats want my vote, take this oath.
If you want to add to this oath, please let me know!
David Feldman