Tonight’s Office Hours: Come meet 30 Rock’s Judah Friedlander, one of the funniest people on the planet. Also joining us is David's hero-- Mike Elk, the founding editor of Payday Report along with our beloved Professor Mike Steinel author of "Saving Charlie Parker: A Novel."
Ron DeSantis is a lying, Godless, hypocrite - a sadistic bully who is incompetent, self-serving, and unethical. Which is why he’d make a terrific Republican nominee for president.
Ron DeSantis is a once in a lifetime scumbag.
He is the fresh face Republicans need to usher in a generational change of hatred, bigotry, and intolerance.
DeSantis has an ugliness that’s impossible to resist. His vindictiveness makes an old man like me feel young and vibrant again.
I strongly urge Republicans to give him a second look before it’s too late. I believe DeSantis holds in his hands the final nails in America’s coffin.
Trump can’t beat Biden.
However, the latest polls show DeSantis beating Biden by three points.
Unfortunately for DeSantis before he can beat Biden, he must first beat Trump and he can’t.
The latest Wall Street Journal Poll shows Trump clobbering him by 24 points and Harvard/Harris shows Trump up by 35 points.
I’d call it a “Catch 22” but I’m afraid DeSantis would ban it along with all those other books in Florida.
I do agree DeSantis could use a little seasoning. While he’s a more effective Fascist than Trump, the problem is he’s no fun.
Trump is fun.
Unlike DeSantis, Trump would never go after Disneyland. Disneyland is strong and powerful. There’s no fun in punching up.
If DeSantis were a wee bit wiser, he’d know that to win the Republican nomination you punch down. Why attack Disneyland when there’s Mountain Creek Adventure in Parsippany, New Jersey.
Or Splish Splash Waterpark in Branson, Missouri.
American voters respond when you punch the poor and the weak because it’s fun.
Andrea Bocelli is blind. Go after him.
Trump will probably win the nomination.
Because in the end, voters see DeSantis as Trump Lite.
Republican voters who consider deep fried Twinkies with a side of Big Macs a snack, can hardly be expected to choose the candidate who’s less filling.
Which is precisely why I doubt DeSantis will even run.
Granted a lot can happen between now and 2024. Trump could get convicted of murdering the Pope and get sentenced to life in prison. In which case he definitely gets the Republican nomination.
And that’s too bad, because if Republicans got to know DeSantis, they’d see how truly horrible he is as both a man and governor.
Under DeSantis’ leadership, 20 percent of Floridians have absolutely no health insurance, one of the highest numbers in the country.
Even more impressive, Floridians pay more for health insurance than any other state.
Florida’s infant mortality rate is far worse than the national average.
And so is Florida’s high school dropout rate.
Clearly DeSantis has done a spectacular job neglecting Florida’s children.
And he’s completely dropped the ball on Covid.
This year Florida has the 8th highest number of total COVID-19 cases, and it comes in 13th for total COVID-19 deaths per capita.
This is precisely the horrific record a Republican can run on.
The man is delightfully repugnant.
But thanks to Trump he’s probably never going to get a chance to do to America what he did to Florida.
It’s sad to see such a loathsome Republican talent go to waste.
Don’t let it happen.
We must nominate DeSantis.
Donald Trump must step aside.
Ron DeSantis is the only candidate best equipped to carry the Republican torch across our great land and set fire to our orphanages and childrens’ hospitals.
After Journalist Mike Elk was illegally fired by Politico for unionizing the newsroom, he was awarded a cash settlement that he used to build Payday Report, the most important and authoritative labor news site in America. He joins us for Office Hours! We start at 8 pm Eastern!
How does one choose the better of two tyrannical,evil entities?
Boomer. Go jump off a cliff