Republicans Join Black Lives Matter And Want to Defund Police
And your invitation for tonight's Office Hours
On Monday, Republicans went from demonizing Black Lives Matter to joining them in calling for the defunding, if not “destruction,” of the police.
All it took was one single FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Mar a Lago and suddenly Republicans realized police lie, they plant evidence, they frame suspects and can’t be trusted.
All that on Monday!
It’s the Great Awakening for hard Right Republicans like Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley who went so far as to call the FBI overly intrusive and a threat to our Constitution.
I gotta tell you, I have never felt more optimistic about political discourse in America. For the first time in decades, all because the FBI raided Mar a Lago, Republicans are now willing to engage in a fact based and sober conversation about solving one of America’s most intractable puzzles; how do we keep each other safe from criminals and power hungry cops?
I mean, you live long enough you’ll see everything. Can you believe it? On Monday, Republicans saw the light! They realized that if the FBI can raid Donald Trump’s estate then they can raid anybody’s estate.
They realized that if Derek Chauvin can get away with killing George Floyd he can get away with killing anyone. Even a white person.
At last! The party of Law and Order recognizes that policing in America has gone too far! Republicans finally realize you can’t call yourself the party of Liberty if you extend unlimited power to the police.
Republicans now say Cops can’t be trusted
This week, Republican Sen. Rand Paul warned the FBI plants evidence! I saw, with my own two eyes, an actual Republican willing to admit cops are deceitful!!!
Whatever happened to Law and Order and Back the Blue?
Republicans are suddenly reminding us that it’s our patriotic duty to be suspicious of police, since historically they have always been the instrument of tyranny.
They get it!
On Monday they learned why 80 percent of our Bill of Rights proscribes restrictions on how the police MUST treat American citizens.
Turns out our Founding Fathers hated the police just as much as they hated Blacks, Women, Native Americans and anyone who couldn’t afford land.
On Tuesday, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham nodded in agreement on Fox News while Jesse Watters rattled off a list of crimes the FBI is notorious for; like lying and planting evidence. If the segment ran any longer the two of them would have broken into, “Hands up, don't shoot!”
And all it took was that one raid on Mar a Largo.
After the raid, Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who built her entire career trashing BLM, kept calling to “defund the FBI.” Who’s street? Marjorie’s street!
Republican Congressman Andy Biggs not only called for defunding the FBI, he said we needed to get rid of the entire Justice Department! The ENTIRE Justice Department, Andy? I see somebody’s been reading Ben Burgis.
Yes, all it took was one raid on Mar a Lago and Republicans went from fearing Black Lives Matter to hating, ABSOLUTELY HATING, the police!
They are completely done being the party of Law and Order!
Not since the fall of the Berlin Wall have I witnessed such a deeply entrenched political ideology crumble so quickly into the ash heap of history.
All Week, Law and Order Republicans fell like dominoes.
Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy promised nonstop investigations into the FBI and Justice Department when he becomes Speaker.
Republican Congressman from Arizona Paul Gosar, BLM’s mortal enemy, took things even one step further by saying, “we must destroy the FBI.”
Whoah, slow down there you fire breathing Anarcho-syndicalist you!
What seemed improbable before Monday now appears as a once in a generation bipartisan opportunity for the Left and Right to pass much needed legislation that finally reigns in America’s police.
Prison reform! Police reform! Getting to the root of crime!!!
Mar a Lago gets raided, and suddenly Republicans hate the FBI!
Yay for America!
I can’t wait to hear Republicans remind us of how the FBI killed Black Panther Fred Hampton. You know how much that always bothered them; how the FBI spied on Martin Luther King and urged him to commit suicide; how the FBI destroyed the lives of socialists and Communists; ruined the labor movement; and dragged its feet investigating attacks on Civil Rights protesters and Black churches.
I can’t wait to hear Republicans bemoan the tens of thousands of Americans the FBI spied on, and continue to spy on. Dangerous subversives like Abbott and Costello, Mickey Mantle, Walter Cronkite, Charlie Chaplin, John Lennon and Eleanor Roosevelt.
Mickey Mantle? Seriously? Abbott and Costello, on the other hand, I totally get. From the BBC:
A police informant furnished information to the effect that Bud Abbott, the well-known motion picture and television star, is a collector of pornography, and alleged he has 1,500 reels of obscene motion pictures," an agent wrote in an FBI file.
The guy had 1,500 reels of porn? Apparently Bud Abbott was an INCREDIBLY straight man. More from the BBC:
Of Costello, agents reported: "Information was secured reflecting that two prostitutes put on a lewd performance for Lou Costello," for which they were paid $50 each.
Lou always had $100 for the Nordic whores, but never for the rent. No wonder Mr. Fields slapped him around.
Monday changed everything
It’s going to usher in all that meaningful bipartisan conversation about freedom I’ve been aching for.
We can start wrestling countless billions away from law enforcement and start redirecting it toward all those woefully underfunded social services that actually prevent crime before it ever happens.
All because the FBI raided Donald Trump’s home, we can have a serious conversation about our police
We have that rare opportunity for all Americans to agree that our police don’t actually solve or prevent crimes. And we already kind of knew that, which is why most crimes in America go unreported. From Pew Research:
Only about half of the violent crimes and a third of the property crimes that occur in the United States each year are reported to police. And most of the crimes that are reported don’t result in the arrest, charging and prosecution of a suspect, according to government statistics.
I can’t wait to hear Donald Trump say police don’t do what they are paid for.
Yes, my friends, it’s only a matter of hours until Lindsey Graham tells Jesse Watters, “Despite all the money we pour into policing, cops only solve two percent of major crime. Only two percent! What are we paying them for?”
I’m sure Lindsey will cite Shima Baughman, professor of Criminal Law, University of Utah who writes in The Conversation:
My recent review of 50 years of national crime data confirms that, as police report, they don’t solve most serious crimes in America. But the real statistics are worse than police data show. In the U.S. it’s rare that a crime report leads to police arresting a suspect who is then convicted of the crime.
It’s positively thrilling that on Monday the Republican Party removed its “Back The Blue” blinders and admitted that throwing money and blind obedience to cops doesn’t make us safer.
I can hear Mike Pence telling CPAC, “When it comes to sexual assault, fewer than one percent of all rapes in America end in an arrest,” as the entire audience starts chanting, “Whose street? Our street!”
Monday’s raid offers countless opportunities! Tucker Carlson can talk about the elephant in the room. Eighty percent of police officers are as fat as elephants.
Tucker will squint and then screech, “Of course they shoot first! They’re too out of shape to chase anybody.”
And then Joe Rogen and Alex Jones can throw a pity party over cops being such bad shots.
I can’t wait to hear Laura Ingraham bemoan all the poor marksmen in the ranks of the Louisville, Kentucky police department. How they fired 32 bullets and hit Breonna Taylor instead of their intended target.
I’m sure Ted Cruz, the largest recipient of NRA money, will admit that in an active shooter situation there is no such thing as a “good guy with a gun.”
He’ll cite Stephen L. Carter this week in Bloomberg who writes:
… most police officers are poor shots, and when they’re under stress, they shoot even worse. And few events raise stress more than facing an armed suspect. One study found that experienced officers who shot fairly well on the range rapidly lost accuracy when faced with instructors who returned fire — even though the “bullets” in the exercise were soap pellets. Facing live rounds, one would expect the loss of accuracy to be greater.
Finally! A Republican Party willing to acknowledge policing has its roots in Antebellum slave patrols, and, ever since the loophole in the 13th Amendment, has served primarily as a search party for free labor.
Yup. All it took was Monday’s raid on Mar a Lago for Republicans to acknowledge that a free people tell the police how to behave, not the other way around.
Republicans are finally coming to their senses.
Now who’s going to break it to them that Climate Change is man made?