Kamala is marketing to You
Kamala Harris is running a contest to win an all expense paid trip to watch her in the next debates. She’s running the contest to encourage you to donate to her campaign. She’s basically running a lottery. Vote for Kamala! You might get lucky!
Unlike Kamala, Bernie and Warren have consistent policies on Jobs, Climate Change and Medicare For All. They don’t need to run a lottery to raise money. Quite frankly this is one of the tackiest things I’ve seen in politics. A LOTTERY!
Kamala is all over the map because the only convictions she has are the poor black mothers sent to prison for allowing their kids to play hooky.
I support identity politics. I would vote for a woman just because she’s a woman. But you need to back up identity politics with policy and positions that protect the identity you represent. Kamala is not the one you’re looking for.
I get why it’s so important to see a woman in the White House. So vote for Warren. But Kamala is not it.
To those who think we need a tough prosecutor to bring down Trump, I have two words: Robert Mueller. Trump is immune to prosecutors. You beat Trump with POLICY.
Kamala Wants To Know What To Believe In…
When a candidate conducts a poll to ask what I care most about, it’s a dire sign that she cares about nothing. We don’t need weathervanes who test market positions. We need leaders with core, inflexible beliefs who will convince us by teaching. Kamala is an opportunistic infection just like Biden. Stop with your neoliberal Aaron Sorkin politics of compromise and stand for something. I’m so tired of well educated tools who think they’re entitled to call themselves Democrats just because they read.
Bernie is still in second…
Here's the latest post debate Reuters polls. As you can see, Biden is falling, Kamala and Elizabeth Warren are rising. BUT BERNIE IS IN A STRONG SECOND, and rising.

The beltway loathes U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders because they want a horse race and they want scandal. Bernie won't give them horse race and scandal. He gives them policy. Which means the beltway journalists have to do actual reporting on ISSUES as opposed to whether or not Bernie inhaled or got a blow job from an intern.
The lobbyists and the journalists who make six figures stirring up shit, but not reporting policy, are terrified of Bernie because Bernie exposes their intellectual and moral bankruptcy. They must stop Bernie because they can't read or discuss policy.
Bernie is now in second place. And yes, Biden is much more likable. Biden is the guy you want to have a beer with. He feels your pain while inflicting more of it. Stop asking whether or not you LIKE a candidate, and spend time figuring what your candidate will FIGHT for. Bernie will FIGHT for the 99 percent. You don't like him? So what. He's not asking you to like him, he's asking for your vote.
This country is a banana republic because too many of you pay attention to the optics, and think this is one big television show. Forty percent of Amrericans can't find 500 dollars for an emergency. This isn't Peak TV. This campaign isn't another series on Hulu. This isn't about voting for someone who makes you feel a certain way. The lobbyists and the professional journalists want you to feel a certain way about a candidate because your feelings are much easier to manipulate than your beliefs.
Thanks to social media, we are now in a post Madison Avenue presidential campaign. We no longer sell candidates like soap. Social media is now about sharing what we BELIEVE, not what we FEEL.
Bernie is going to win this, because he has an army of supporters who know that what they BELIEVE is also what Bernie BELIEVES. And, we can back up all our beliefs with FACTS, FIGURES, & legitimate STUDIES. The only reason any of you hate Bernie or his Bros is because WE CALL BULLSHIT.
Stop worrying about the candidates who make you feel stupid. It's not about how you FEEL. You are stupid. I'm stupid. We are all stupid. This country got stupid. How else do you explain Trump? How else do you explain the brutal reality that Donald Trump is still in office? We are stupid.
So stop asking how your government makes you feel. Feelings are how you are sold soap. This is the political age of social media. Ideas, articles, and studies are being shared. This is now about what we BELIEVE.
Learn about Bernie. Back up your opposition to or support for Bernie with news articles, studies and graphs from legitimate sources. He's going to get the nomination. Just like Trump was going to get it in 2016.
You better figure out why exactly you don't LIKE Bernie. You better figure out why you HATE Bernie. Because hating and liking Bernie is immaterial. He's not asking you to like him. He's asking you to help him fix this shit hole we're living in.