Key Takeaways from This Week in Feldman:
Do we need the Police? What’s the alternative? Tell me. I’m listening. Office Hours is tonight at 9:00 PM Eastern. You’re invited! Click this link to RSVP. And bring a friend.
Protesting and civil disobedience change the world. But elections are being held across America. This week, we meet Progressive and Socialist candidates who inspire you to attack the people who pay the police to attack you.
We meet Shahid Buttar, a Democratic Socialist running against Speaker Nancy Pelosi in California’s 12th Congressional district. Nancy’s a Neoliberal hack who will never fight for Medicare For All. If San Francisco were as woke at it brands itself, Nancy would be out of a job and Shahid would be in Washington.
We meet other candidates like Lauren Ashcraft, a comedian running for New York’s 12th Congressional district; Andru Volinsky a Progressive running for Governor of New Hampshire; Hector Oseguera, another young Progressive running for New Jersey’s 8th Congressional District; And Kristina Shelton who is running for Wisconsin’s State assembly to represent the people of Green Bay.
Partisan hacks admonish protestors, “You really want to be heard? Vote!” Then they make it impossible to cast your ballot and act surprised when lit garbage cans get thrown through plate glass windows on Melrose. Brittany Gibson from The American Prospect tells us how Republicans are getting smarter at suppressing the vote.
Do we need the police? Activist Peter Vankoughnett from MPD 150 challenges the narrative that police exist to protect and serve.
And what is keeping Donald Trump from ordering the military to take over our streets? You might be surprised that Washington’s multilayered bureaucracy serves as the bulwark against Fascism. We talk to Dr. Jennifer Selin, University of Missouri Law Professor, whose latest piece for The Conversation is, “Can the President Really Order the Military to Occupy US Cities and States?”
We get insight from the world’s top professors like Animal Behaviorist Dr. Jennifer Verdolin, Philosophy Professor and Columnist for Jacobin Ben Burgis, Marxist Historian Professor Harvey J. Kaye, plus Labor Activist and Professor Jon Shelton.
Dr. Harriet Fraad is a Marxist psychoanalyst who is quickly becoming one of our most requested guests. That’s because she’s teaching us that the system is making us mentally ill.
We get opinion and facts from the world’s most important minds. The Washington Post’s Helaine Olen, Down With Tyranny’s Howie Klein, The Rev. Barry W. Lynn from Americans United for Separation of Church and State, The Irritable Immunologist, the President and Founder of Yuk Yuk’s Mark Breslin, Ebola Slayer Henry Hakamaki, Ann Neumann from The Guardian, PETA Podcast’s Emil Guillermo, and American Hero Burt Ross.
My show is nothing without comedians. And this week Comedy Legend Rick Overton joined us along with Aaron Berg, Jackie “The Joke Man” Martling and Ethan Herschenfeld.
Most importantly, YOU, my listeners, attended the recording sessions via Zoom or phone, asked pointed questions and shared what’s on your mind. Thank you.
That’s the Week in Feldman.
Join me tonight for Office Hours at 9:00 Eastern.
Here’s the invitation. No Password required. Bring a friend. There’s plenty of room.
We tape the show every Monday and Thursday. If you would like to sit in our virtual studio audience, please click this link.
Get angry, get in the game.
Medicare For All