Congresswoman Elise Stefanik has the number three leadership position in our Republican controlled House of Representatives. Last week she proudly announced a new committee to look into the “weaponization” of the federal government.
There have been 54 mass shootings so far this year… wait… 55… OK, there have been 56 mass… There have been… wait a sec…60? Seriously?
It’s the first week of February… There have been… let’s say 65 mass shootings so far this year, and… Make that 66… Wow…
Let’s say there have been a record number of mass shootings in January.
48,000 Americans died from firearms in 2021.
In 2020, just like the year before and the year after, the leading cause of death for American children was guns, not cancer, car crashes or poisoning, guns.
Here’s the breakdown of those gun deaths which are even more terrifying…
Despite overwhelming evidence that guns are killing our children, the Pro Life party focuses instead on the “weaponization of our government.”
According to Republican leadership, the FBI, our Justice Department and IRS or any other organ of government that insists Donald Trump obey the law has been “weaponized.”
The calculated use of “weaponized” deflects attention away from what really has been weaponized in America and that is guns.
This newsletter today is about Elise Stefanik, the number three leader in the house. I’ll get back to her, but let’s briefly talk about her partner in gun crimes Congressman Steve Scalise who is number two in the house.
Congressman Steve Scalise narrowly escaped death six years ago after a gunman opened fire as Republicans practiced for a charity baseball game.
Scalise suffered fractured bones, his internal organs were shattered and had it not been for Capitol Police officers acting swiftly he would have bled out on the scene.
This close brush with death made Scalise physically weaker but stronger in his devotion to the NRA where he was welcomed as a conquering hero two years after his assassination attempt at their national convention — cane, bullet fragments still in him, severe limp and all.
I might have a little more appreciation for just how precious life is, just how precious the moments that we have are. After the shooting, when I finally came back, I was a little bit surprised when, at first, people in the media started questioning me, going ‘Well you were a victim of a shooting, you must be against Second Amendment rights. You must be for gun control.
Scalise assured the NRA getting shot only renewed his resolve to get more guns into the greasy hands of flabby Americans. Scalise walked away from that shooting, I mean was air lifted away from that shooting absolutely convinced guns keep us all safe.
Interesting take on the events surrounding his shooting since he never once defended himself with a gun. Instead he just lay there like a coward bleeding to death. He never once had the courage to fire back at his shooter. So how exactly did guns keep this gutless wonder safe?
Scalise had heavily armed Capitol Police officers by his side and they fired back at the shooter. So unless I’m mistaken, it was the Capitol Police, not the individual gun owner, Steve Scalise, who stopped the mass shooter.
So, Scalise nearly getting shot to death is in no way dispositive that armed citizens keep us safe.
In fact, it is a rare day when the so called “Good Samaritan” with a gun stops a mass shooter.
In fact, most, if not all, mass shooters die at their own hands, or run from the scene.
This is not to say mass shooters are never apprehended by a “Good Samaritan.” Sometimes that happens. It happens rarely, but it does happen. But when it does happen, the mass shooter is usually, if now always, apprehended through brute physical force and not by the mythical “good guy with a gun.”
Statistically there is no such thing as a “good guy with a gun.”
Professor Adam Lankford from the University of Alabama who studies mass shootings told the New York Times last year:
“(There is) direct, indisputable, empirical evidence that this kind of common claim that ‘the only thing that stops a bad guy with the gun is a good guy with the gun’ is wrong… It’s demonstrably false…”
But there he was, Steve Scalise, who never served in our military, standing before the NRA two year after his shooting recalling his heroics on the battlefield even though all he did was get shot.
He never returned fire. All he did was bleed out waiting for the police to protect him.
Didn’t matter. Two years later the NRA gave him a standing ovation simply for being shot at. These days everyone get’s a trophy, I guess.
In the NRA’s sick and apocalyptic world, nearly dying from a gun shot but still summoning the courage to accept campaign donations from the NRA to vote against an assault weapons ban makes you Audie Murphy.
Before the NRA’s adoring crowd of limp penises and desiccated women who’ve given up on anyone ever loving them, Scalise recalled his personal Battle of San Juan Hill:
When my arms gave out, I laid there and I'm just hearing gunfire. The only thing I could do at that point was to pray. I prayed to God. I had a private conversation with him, a serious conversation where I asked him some pretty heavy things.
Most people would keep that conversation to themselves, but not Scalise. What was the very first thing Scalise discussed with the Big Guy?
I have a young daughter, I said, ‘God please don't let Madison walk up the aisle alone.' It's the first thing that came to my mind.
Lying in a pool of his own blood, and the very first thing he’s worried about is missing his daughter’s wedding some twenty years off in the future— assuming it’s not a same sex affair.
Madison, his daughter, lives in Scalise’s Louisiana which means she may not live long enough to get married. When it comes to children and guns, Steve Scalise’s Louisiana is the absolute worst:
According to Axios, the CDC reports that children in Louisiana are more likely to get shot to death than in any other state. Coming in second is Sarah Palin’s Alaska, then Mississippi, South Carolina, Arkansas, Kansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri and Alabama.
What do these states all have in common? Well, they’re red states. Not just because they’re run by Republicans, they’re also red because their lax gun laws make them way bloodier than the civilized states where it’s harder to get a gun.
It is, interestingly enough, much harder to get an abortion in all those red states. I guess Republicans only love things that don’t actually exist - like an all seeing deity that answers your prayers, good guys with guns or fetuses.
Which brings us back to Congresswoman Elise Stefanik.
There are many reasons to dislike this opportunistic infection of a human being.
Her rich father bought her a brand new BMW after she graduated from high school, which…
She famously drove all over Cambridge and Boston while attending Harvard.
She lists her parent’s vacation home as her residence in order to claim she actually lives with the rubes in the heavily rural 21st Congressional District she represents.
She was a Never Trumper until she saw the writing on the wall and became a Maga Trumper.
But the number one reason to hate Elise is because of who she loves. This guy:
Elise, is married to some rat faced toad named Matthew Manda, manager of public affairs for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, based in Newtown, Connecticut.
If Newtown, Connecticut sounds familiar that’s because it’s where Adam Lanza on December 14, 2012 took a Bushmaster AR-15 rifle, a Glock 10 mm. and a Sig Sauer 9 mm. into Sandy Hook elementary school and shot six adults and 20 children to death.
Lanza, the bad guy with a gun, ended his killing spree by shooting himself to death, thereby also making him the good guy with a gun. In Hollywood they would call him a “hyphenate who wears two hats.”
In May of last year, Wendy Liberatore wrote in The Times Union:
“As the debate over gun control heats up following back-to-back mass shootings, the industry has a spokesman with unparalleled access to U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik, the No. 3 Republican in the House: her husband.”
Liberatore writes that Stefanik has spoken at events sponsored by her husband’s National Shooting Sports Foundation while downplaying their marriage.
When Liberatore asked for a comment from Stefanik’s office, Alex deGrasse, a Stefanik adviser and frequent campaign spokesman called Liberatore, “a very sick person” for posing such a “personal” question.
deGrasse then accused Liberatore, a woman, of being “sexist” for digging into the marriage, adding she was “stooping to another new low.. (by) attacking her (Stefanik’s) husband.”
Oddly woke language considering Stefanik’s husband recently wrote, “Congress needs to ensure the (gun) industry is free from ‘woke’ … discrimination.”
Tim Dickinson from Rolling Stone picked up the story a month after Liberatore with an incredibly sexist and unwoke story entitled, “Trump’s Favorite House Republican Is Married to the Gun Industry.”
Dickinson writes,
“Elise Stefanik’s husband is employed by a top firearms front group, in a setup an expert calls ‘legal but dubious.’
Obviously Dickinson is as “sick” as Wendy Liberatore. He goes on to write that Stefanik has taken $20,000 from her husband’s gun lobby which spent a total of $5 million lobbying congress in 2021.
Dickinson then writes, quite sickeningly and unwokingly, that Stefanik’s husband is not a registered lobbyist.
Well technically Matthew’s not a lobbyist. His influence peddling doesn’t take place in the halls of congress, it takes place in the thralls of sexual congress.
And it’s nobody’s business what those two discuss in bed!
Only a sick and sexist unwoke stooper of new lows would care that 48,000 Americans were shot to death and Elise Stefanik is married to a man who is a paid front man for the gun industry.
It’s sick, and gross, and an invasion of Elise Stefanik’s privacy to note that she shares her bed with a gun lobby
Funded by manufacturers of all your favorite AR-15s that kill school children in places like Uvalde, Texas
That fights red flag laws
That fights the funding of more mental health facilities to combat gun violence
That calls those pushing for gun control “communists” trying to achieve what Hitler accomplished.
That works closely with gun manufacturers on how to sell more assault weapons to citizens.
That promotes and defends the manufacturing of ghost guns
That protects the profits of firearm, ammunition, and accessory manufacturers here in America and around the world because it believes guns are a “growth business.”
A growth business, indeed!
Matthew Manda’s National Shooting Sports Foundation is a tax exempt organization that made $47 million in 2020.
According to their most recent filings, its CEO and second in command each earn between $500,000 to $600,000 a year, that we know of.
Last year the Democratically controlled House Oversight and Reform Committee reported that manufacturers of military style assault weapons used in America’s deadliest mass shootings earned more than $1 billion during the past few years.
All those manufacturers subsidize the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
The Democrats are no longer running the House Oversight and Reform Committee. Now it’s the Republicans.
Instead of trying to prevent another 48,000 Americans from getting shot to death this year, the committee is spending all their time looking into Hunter Biden.
That’s because Republicans want us to believe Joe Biden’s son is more of a threat to our safety than Elise Stefanik’s repulsive, blood stained pig of a husband, Matthew Manda.
Get new gun laws or replace Congress.
A marriage made on the Love of Money to hell with the people!