Our schools are as segregated today as they were when I was a kid. Some studies suggest they are more segregated.
Kamala opened up the conversation this week about busing. And the conversation demonstrates just how racist America remains. To my white friends, Do you want your kid going to school with black kids? The answer for most of you is no. You won't admit it. But the answer is still no.
So many white Americans think the solution to the resegregation of our schools is not busing but rather providing better funding to schools that are primarily African American or minority.
But desegregation was never about money, or the quality of the schools.
Brown v Board of Education, which white people all get so misty eyed over, wasn't about school funding. In fact, the Warren court specifically ruled in Brown that segregation is unconstitutional, even when "the segregated schools are otherwise equal in quality."
Got it? Brown wasn't about the "quality" of the education. It was about white kids going to school with black kids. PERIOD. Integration was the end, not the means. Integration is the education.
That's because integration makes better citizens and a more perfect union. That's Brown, that's Warren, that's LBJ and that's the civil rights movement. If you're against busing, and integrating our schools you're a segregationist. You're George Wallace and Strom Thurmond. And to deny that makes you as full of shit as Joe Biden.
Brown didn't care about the "quality" of the school. Brown worried about whether or not black kids and white kids were going to school together. The Warren court believed that unless blacks and whites attended school TOGETHER there was no "quality" to their education.
So, again, to my white friends, Do you want your children going to school with black kids? I don't think you do. In fact I know you don't. Otherwise there'd be no white flight, no charter schools and busing would still be alive and well.
I know, I know, you want to send your kids to school with black kids, but the quality of the education would blabbity blabbity blah blah I'm not a racist blah blah but I want my kid to get a good education blabbity blabbity you just don't know what it's like where I live...
Um. You're full of shit. If your child is going to school with only white kids then there is no education. To deny that makes you a segregationist.
This isn't about funding. This is about making better citizens.
Sadly, decades of court rulings have pretty much denuded Brown and we are left with what many consider an apartheid state in our public schools. Our schools are segregated, and if you suggest it's a funding issue, like Biden and Kamala do, then you want to return us to before Brown when "separate but equal" was considered OK.
Separate but equal is not just abhorrent it's unconstitutional. Brown said so. Anybody who thinks it's about funding and not mixing the schools so blacks, browns and whites can all go to school together is taking us back to before 1954. You are taking us back to separate but equal.
And that makes you a segregationist.
There. Kamala wanted a conversation about busing. She got it. There are no white Americans who want a return to busing. And that's why integration is dead. And that's why white cops shoot unarmed black men. They didn't grow up with black people.
It's why Trump gets away with putting people of color in concentration camps.
It's why the NRA makes a fortune pushing guns.
And it's why white Americans vote against their own financial interests.
Integration is dead, and we're left with white America and black America. And that's fatal.
White Americans don't want to send their kids to school with black Americans. Period. And they pretend they're not racist by talking about funding and "quality" education.
Read Brown. Mixing black kids with white kids IS the education.
Kamala and Biden are both opposed to federally mandated busing because they know Brown failed and we're a nation of segregationists. They should be honest and just say that.
I await your replies demanding to know where I sent my kids to school.
So what’s my solution?
This country needs some good old fashioned social engineering. Whether we like it or not, our society is constantly getting engineered. It was engineered by Reagan, and it was engineered by the Warren court.
And it's time the adults in the room stepped in and started engineering for the common good. Anyone who thinks that sounds like socialism isn't aware of how the plutocrats have been socially engineering this country for the past 40 years.
Social engineering exists whether we like it or not. So we might as well start doing it for the greater good, not the richest one percent.
Bring back busing. If you disagree, that’s fine. But you’re a segregationist.
Pelosi Democrats: We shouldn't debate the issues because then it turns into a circular firing squad.
Me: So I guess you'd prefer the same old bukake?